Saturday, August 12, 2006

Lukes mud puddle


I like this one too! Miah was spinning Luke around and around and around

Piggy Back

Miah gave a Lukers a piggie back ride...I made a storyboard with these too, I wanna get it printed for their room, Its perfectly *them*

No doubt about it....

They are CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!

I got this shot because I said " If you let mommy take one more picture of you guys together, we can go eat a yummy lunch!" For those of you who know my boys well, Food is always a perfect bribery tool, haha!! I thought this was cute of them...snapshot or not, I'll take what I can get of them together and not tackling each other!!

Jeremiahs mud puddles!

The mommy in me was saying "don't do it!, your gonna make a mess" ....but the photographer in me is just LOUDER sometimes, so instead I said "Hey boys, go jump in the puddles! ...and SPLASH!!"